Why There Isn't Anybody When I'm Down?

Why there isn't anybody when I'm down?
Should I scream "I NEED A FRIEND" ?!

If you see I'm strong enough at the cover
No, I'm sure that is wrong definetly
I know I am fragile exactly into the deeper
So much stress could destroy me completely

Should I say,
"Yeah Ri, your coping of stress is very dreadful" ?
Or would I say,
"The stress itself grows rapidly but I can't handle it by myself" ?
Or just say,
"People surely need helps for solving their problems and stresses.
So do I.
But in fact, where are the helps?
Where are they who can be here when I'm down?!"

(I know this writing sounds very sorrowful.
I know this writing is full of anger.
But, It's just my way to cope the stresses.
Just let me express in my way.
Just let me prove to myself:
Every stress that come in to me
wouldn't break me down and fall me.
Every minute I take to solve the problems
would make me being more mature.
Every breath I take to reduce the stress
would give me extra chance to grow.)

Yogya, March 24th 2009
8:08 waiting wheter the stressors would go



Apa pun itu
Hanya menuju satu
Keberadaan 'Diriku'
yang msh kuragu

Siapa gerangan itu
Mampu memelukku
Dapat mengangkatku
Dari jurang kelabu

Dimanakah itu
Dapat kutemu
Harapan baru
Untuk hidupku

Bagaimanakah itu
Dapat kurengkuh
Bahagia selalu
Dalam jemariku

Doa Sebelum Tidur

Teringat masa kecilku.
Kala aku di-nina bobokan oleh ibuku.
Diriku terbaring bersama adikku di ranjang.
Ibuku selalu berkata, "Jangan lupa berdoa sebelum tidur.."
Kemudian ia mengajari kami dengan mengucap lafalnya perlahan,
"Bismillahhirahmannirahiim.. Bismika Allahumma ahya wa bismika amuut......"
Lafal doa yang ibuku lafalkan sebenarnya masih panjang.
Berlanjut dengan kata ".. yamumit, yamumit, yamumit, ....."
Dengan sabar ibuku menjelaskan, "Yamumit-nya tiga kali"
Lalu kami menirukan sambil menghitung dengan jari
"... yamumit, yamumit, yamumit, .........................."
Namun, tak ku ingat lagi kalimat doa selanjutnya.
Kala itu diriku masih sangat kecil.
Adikku pun masih terbata-bata berbicara.
Ingatan kami belum terbuka sepenuhnya.
Sampai kini aku pun masih bertanya.
Bagaimanakah kelanjutan doa itu?
Akan ku tanya pada ibundaku tersayang.
Supaya aku dapat mengajarkan pada cucunya kelak.

Yogya, 24 Maret 2009
1: 01 mengingat doa sebelum tidur

Radang Tenggorok: Do's & Don't's

On Monday (23/3), I've already visited doctor in Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC).

At first I didn't want to go to doctor in GMC. My mother already suggested me to go to doctor after I told her I'm sick and she said I didn't have to mind about its cost. So, indirectly, I could choose my own doctor. But then back again, if there is already something free, why should search a non-free? (ups, this mindset shouldn't be generalized in other ways, loh.. hati-hati!). So, I went to GMC which is a free health facilitation from Gadjah Mada University for its students and workers.

Finally, I entered room number 1 and met a doctor. He checked me up and said that I got 'Faring ... ritis' -I didn't hear fully what he said about that name- but in common sense may be 'Radang Tenggorok'. He said that I'm still in low stage -not already severe- then I have to do a few things to prevent it getting worst. These are likely what the doctor said:

1. First, must drink a lot of pure water, especially warm water.
2. Second, must rinse my mouth often, wheter with antiseptic e.g. Listerin or salt water.
3. Third, consume medicine (with doctor's prescription).
For my 'Radang Tenggorok' case: I have to suck a pil named F.G Troches 'Meiji'; drink Paracetamol if being fever and little pil named Dextaco; and drink OBH Woods.

1. Eat fried and oily food.
2. Consume ice or cold water.
3. Still can drink milk (except if you are in consuming antibiotics then you can't)

Why do I become so much sick like this?

It's rather for me getting sick. But, if I've already became sick, then I would be sick for long period.

Now, on this Monday, my condition is getting worst.
I went to college with a bad throat. I attended two classes -Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychology- successfully, indeed between those sessions I also could go to 'bengkel' to service my motorcycle. Then, I met my Clinical Psychology group to discuss annual task which is sharing a case. After that, I met Patang. He is the new Editor in Chief in Palapsi Bulletin -my next Head of Journalistic Division- to give him some transfer learning. Then, I went to GMC to visit doctor (see on my another archieve about 'Radang Tenggorokku'). However, every single step that I took this day became bad then worst, worst, and worst, 'till this night. Yeah, my schedule on this day was full -but it wasn't as full as a few days ago, I swear! But, why do I become so much sick like this?

After take a nap -from 5 'till 7 p.m. is called 'a nap', huh?- I woke up and planned to drink my medicine. But then I remembered that on 9 p.m. there'll be 'Shift 4-an' which is a forum discussion of Cagardep held usually after the third shift is over. I planned 70% not to come because I'm sick now, but after Deka -a boy I knew in Cagardep with me- sent me sms to come to bunderan UGM because he has already came, I changed a little of my mind. Hmm, an opportunity shouldn't be passed actually, I thought it for a while. After storming, I decided not to come. REMEMBER RI, YOU ARE SICK. YOU MUST THINK YOUR PRIORITY.

Okay, let's see now, I'm drawning into my new blog, try something new to release my stresses!

:) :(
Rirry Potter
*with hope this sick'd get out a.s.a.p

Just a few Words to Begin This Blog

this is Rirry's new official blog. I've just created it in this years -may be a little bit 'ketinggalan jaman' but I made it for many reasons. Just say that I'm interest in writing, yes of course. But I've been being stucked for a few years because I'm not confident enough in writing. So, if you read my stories or short notes and they are not good enough, I just can say 'I'm sorry'. It's because -I've just realized it- writing is my way to illustrate my thoughts, perceptions, opinions, experiences, and other that related to me. I hope I can tell my stories in a free way, which is:
Just Write It!
Then, I've never published my writings on any 'dunia maya' or web, it was because I felt that I was very 'gaptek' or not hi-tech. But, if I never try it, how can I know it, rite? Yah, just 'coba-coba' nih, I hope I could. So, many helps are needed to built my skill and blog in web world. I also like to try new activities, then I chosed Blogging as my new activity. While in blog, I can share a lot of my thoughts & experiences which are big and important to me, so I named it:
Supermassive Stories
It's purpose it's not only retelling my writing, but I also hope people can take something insightful with what I wrote on.
Salam Never Give Up! (^_^),
Hapsari Sulistyaningrum